About me
As an artist, I want to
express the complexity of our world in my works. My abstract and surrealist
painting is an expression of my visions and thoughts on subjects such as the
human condition and the emotions we experience as individuals.
Technology, Nature & Humanity
I find it fascinating how technology and nature intertwine and affect
life on earth. In my works I try to represent this connection and make people
Data, AI and Society
Another topic that concerns me a lot is the increasing role of data and
artificial intelligence in our world. I try to research the positive and
negative effects of these developments and to present them in my works.
Climate Catastrophe
Global warming and climate change are issues that affect us all. In my works, I want to draw attention to the impact of these developments on our world and encourage the viewer to take action to protect our planet.
All in all, my art is about raising awareness of these issues. I hope that my works will inspire viewers to take a critical look at the world around them and take action to create a better future for all of us.
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